NRV Bird Club Dues Payment & Information
Annual Dues: September 1 - August 31
Dues Collected from Sept 1 to Dec 31
Membership Year - 2024-2025
TODAY’S DATE ___________
Name #1 _________________________________________
Preferred Email Address _____________________________
Preferred Phone _____________________ Home__ Mobile__
Name #2_________________________________________
Preferred Email Address______________________________
Preferred Phone # 1 __________________Home__ Mobile__
Names of additional family members____________________
In which town or county do you reside?__________________
New Member?_____Renewal?_____
___Student ($10) ___Individual ($15) ___Family ($20)
Circle Payment Method Check Cash
Circle Amount Paid $10 $15 $20 Other____
Are you a member of Virginia Society of Ornithology? YES NO
Join in person at our monthly meeting or mail to:
NRVBC/Edie Schumacher PO Box 361 Blacksburg, VA 24063
Make check payable to NRV Bird Club